Friday, January 1, 2010

DVD/CD-ROM Missing in Windows Vista and 7

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 I strongly recommended to read NOTE at the end of the post before roceed with the instructions.

1. Open registry editor by click start and type REGEDIT on the search box as shown in the picture below.

2. Windows will prompt you and click ok.

3. The registry windows will appear like picture below:

4. Now expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by click the expand button (like an arrow)

5. Epand the STRING like this order:  
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} (note: after expand the Class look for {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

It will look like this:

6. Where In the right pane you will find Upper filters and loweFilters Value, right  click and select Delete for both UpperFilters and Lowe filters Value.
Note You may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry.

7. After finish deleting both key, restart and the driver will install automatically.

Causes  and solutions
1. Hardware faulty mean your DVD is no longer works and need replacement.
2. Check in your device manager weather you DVD detected or not, to check
press start and in the box type DEVMGMT.MSC and press enter
If you computer detect the DVD it will look like this:

the option you have to solve your problems is right clikc on it and select update driver, proceed with the screen instruction until finish.

3 You may also right click on it and select uninstall driver and then restart. after restart reinstall the driver like in step 2.

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